Bring Aleeza to Your City

Bring Aleeza to Your City

From Philly to Phenomenon

Aleeza Ben Shalom’s signature event has captivated hearts and sparked laughter across the globe.

With over 40 cities in its wake, from the vibrant streets of Melbourne to the historic charm of Montreal, from the lively avenues of Buenos Aires to the intellectual hubs of Boston, this show is a proven international sensation.

Designed for an audience seeking universal truths and wisdom, Aleeza’s insightful content transcends age, relationship status, and religious affiliation (or the absence thereof), offering a profound resonance with men and women of all ages, stages, and backgrounds. 

Bring Aleeza to Your City

A Three-Act Masterpiece

Act #1 – The Monologue: A Storyteller’s Odyssey Embark on a 20-minute rollercoaster of humor and heart with Aleeza’s monologue. Witness the captivating tale of a girl from Philadelphia who finds her way to Israel and emerges as a Netflix superstar. A narrative so riveting, it promises to keep you perched on the very edge of your seat.

Act #2 – The Interview: A Dialogue with Depth Dive into a sea of engaging topics in an interactive Q&A session where the audience is invited to present their questions to Aleeza. Alternatively, treat the audience to a talk-show style interview with Aleeza and a local celebrity or notable community figure. This act is a mosaic of insights, tailored to your selection of subjects, making each conversation uniquely enlightening.

Act #3 – Live Matchmaking: The Art of Connection Experience the magic of live matchmaking! With four participants and Aleeza’s expert guidance, unveil the secrets to successful matchmaking. It’s not just an act; it’s an opportunity to witness – or even be part of – a real-life match unfolding before your eyes.

Bring Aleeza to Your City

An Event Beyond Entertainment

Aleeza Ben Shalom Live is more than a show; it’s an exploration of laughter, learning, and love. Each act is a unique journey, inviting you into the world of relationships with wit, wisdom, and wonder.

Tailored for You

Each event is a unique masterpiece. Aleeza crafts her message to resonate with your community or corporate ethos, creating an unforgettable experience.

Ideal For

* Galas
* Corporate Events
* Synagogue Events
* Community Gatherings
* Jewish Community Events

Click here to get ideas and look at successful Aleeza events.

Booking Aleeza for your event is easy and we will work with you every step of the way.

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📞 Phone: 15146866770